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U.F.O. Unidentified Found Objects


The place is Auroville, the year is 2030.

On the 13th of February, at 1.30 pm, the young student, Moeni opened a rickety cabinet in the school and suddenly stumbled upon something she had never seen before. It looked like a weird artefact from the past. Something she had read about in history class: an ancient silver typewriter.

This was the first in a series of findings that have engaged the people of Auroville in a truly unique scavenger hunt. Since then people have come across an old phone, a roller skate, a microscope and other treasures. All of which have been found while going about their normal life doing the things they normally do like taking a walk, or shifting house or digging a field. By all accounts, they claim that the found objects seemed to be placed with great care as if purposefully hidden in plain sight.

The findings were initially identified as ancient relics from the eighties. Some people even said that they were nothing more than old stuff grandmothers had in their home but, it soon became clear, that these were not the typical “vintage” objects. No, these intentionally modified U.F.O.s (Unidentified Found Objects) emanate peculiar energy.

One by one, the findings started to add up and rumours of the U.F.O.s spread like wildfire, reaching the ears of a team of archaeologists who have come to study them in detail.

Thus far, the experts believe that these objects, which by now total 10, have a common thread and a definite purpose. To confirm their intuition, they have submitted the pieces to a series of highly specialized x-ray testing and mobile scans. The results are surprising. Examinations reveal that, in fact, each object exhibits a unique vibratory activity that emanates a particular energy field.

Exhibition at Centre d'Art Citadines, Auroville:

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